The gene was sub-cloned in to the baculovirus transfer vector pAcGHLT-A GST like a I C RI fragment and transfected into Hi there5 cells along with linearised baculovirus using the next sense and anti-sense primers: 5-GGC ATA TGC ATG GAC AGC AGC GTG ATC CAG CGG AAG-3; 5-CCC GAA TTC CTA CCG GCT GAT CAG GTT GCT G-3

The gene was sub-cloned in to the baculovirus transfer vector pAcGHLT-A GST like a I C RI fragment and transfected…

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His institutions have received an educational grant from Pfizer, compensation from Stago for educational efforts and research support from Daiichi-Sankyo, the Science Funds [Wissenschaftsfonds] of the University Hospital Basel, the University Basel, the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel, the Swiss Heart Foundation, and the Swiss National Science Foundation

His institutions have received an educational grant from Pfizer, compensation from Stago for educational efforts and research support from Daiichi-Sankyo,…

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