In a study by Vieir et al

In a study by Vieir et al. A total of 44 articles satisfied the above criteria, and were therefore selected. The findings from the literature report variable results. A possible explanation for this may be the heterogeneity of the test protocols that were Rabbit Polyclonal to ACRBP applied. Moreover, the present review spans more than five decades, and modern pasteurizers may be able to modify the degradation kinetics for heat-sensitive substances, compared to older ones. Overall, the data indicate that HoP affects several milk components, although it is difficult to quantify the degradation degree. However, clinical practices demonstrate that many beneficial properties of DM still persist after HoP. turbidimetric assay[26]N/AMatureN/AFreshRefrigeration62.5 C for 30 in stirred water bath2 pools5 and 6 donorsImmunoglobulins: ELISA[27]TermMatureElectric pumpFreshC80 C until the analysis62.5 C for 3010 samples10 donorsImmunoglobulins: ELISA[28]N/AMatureN/AFreshNo63 C for 3023 samples Immunoglobulins: RIA[29]TermColostrum, transitional and matureManual or pumpFreshRefrigeration in ice62.5 C for 305 samples89 donorsImmunoglobulins: RIALactoferrin: Laurell method[30]N/AN/AOverflow milkFreshRefrigeration up to 48 h62.5 C for 3016 samplesElectroimmunoassay against monospecific antiserum[31]N/AColostrum and matureHMB protocolFreshN/A62.5 C for 3010 colostrum and 8 mature milkFurosine: HPLCCarbohydrates: gas chromatographyCytokines: ELISAImmunoglobulins: ELISA[32]N/AColostrumHand or electric pumpFresh?20 C until analysis62.5 C for 301 pool11 donorsImmunoglobulins: ELISALysozyme activity: turbidimetric assayLactoperoxidase activity: ABTS assay[33]TermTransitionalElectric pumpFreshNoMetallarredinox: 62.5 C for 301 pool4 donorsIgA, lactoferrin: SDS-PAGE, Western Blot and mass spectrometryLipase activity: p-nitrophenol assayAvailable lysine: OPA method[34]N/AN/AN/AFreshN/A3 devices: SterifeedCSaurinCCarag: 62.5 C for 3010 samples for Sterifeed; 6 samples for Saurin; 6 samples for CaragLysozyme, sIgA and lactoferrin: ELISA[35]N/AN/AN/AFrozen?20 C Evodiamine (Isoevodiamine) until analysis62.5 C for 3010 samples10 donorsLysozyme, Evodiamine (Isoevodiamine) sIgA and lactoferrin: ELISA[36]N/AN/ADrip milkFreshNoSemi-automated Holder pasteurizer1 pool20 donorsIgA: electroimmunoassayLysozyme activity: turbidimetric assay[37]N/AMature Electric pumpFrozen and freshC70 C; thawing in cool water62.5 C for 30 in stirred water Evodiamine (Isoevodiamine) bath6 samples: 3 pools from HMB and 3 samples from 3 donorsTotal fat: gravimetryFatty acids: gas chromatographyLipase activity: triglyceride emulsionAmylase: ELISA[38]N/AMature N/AFrozen4 C overnight; thawing at 37 C in water bath, gently mixedSterifeed: pre-heated water bath (63.2 C); 62.5 C for 30; cooling in cold water bath17 pools4 donors eachCytokines and growth factors: ELISAFatty acids: gas chromatography[39]N/AMatureN/AFreshRefrigeration until analysis62.5 C for 30 in water bath under constant agitation1 pool6 donorsTocopherol: HPLCFatty acids: gas chromatographyCytokines: ELISA[40]TermMatureHand or electric pumpFreshNo62.5 C for 3017 samplesCytokines and growth factors: ELISA[41]Preterm and TermTransitional and matureN/AFrozen?20 C until analysisLABU-Muttermilch pasteurizer: 63 C for 3051 samples28 donorsIGF and IGFBP: RIAEGF: ELISA[42]TermMatureN/AFreshNo62.5 C for 3013 samples13 donorsFree amino acids: HPLC[43]Preterm and Evodiamine (Isoevodiamine) TermColostrum, transitional and matureN/AFrozenThawed overnightACE pasteurizer: 62.5 C for 3039 samples3C4 donors eachFatty acids: gas chromatographyFree amino acids: Amino acid Analyzer[44]TermMatureManual pumpFrozenRefrigeration max 4 h; ?20 C up to 3 weeks62.5 C for 305 samples9 poolsVitamins: HPLC[45]TermMatureHand or pumpFreshRefrigeration62.5 C for 305 each89 donorsVitamins: HPLC[46]N/AMatureElectric pumpFrozen?80 C until analysis62.5 C for 3010 samples10 donorsVitamin C, Tocopherols: HPLCFatty acids: gas chromatography[47]N/AMatureManual pumpFreshNo62.5 C for 301 pool10 donorsVitamin C, Tocopherols: HPLCFatty acids: gas chromatography[48]N/AN/AN/AFrozenFrozen63 C for 3050 samples50 donorsVitamin A, beta catotene: HPLC[49]N/AColostrum, transitional and matureN/AFrozenThawing in ice-filled plastic container for 1563 C for 3060 samplesVitamin A: gas chromatography[50]Preterm and TermTransitionalElectric pumpFreshNo62.5 C for 30; cooling in running water12 samples12 donorsFat content: gravimetryFatty acids: gas chromatography[51]TermN/AHandFreshNo62.5 C for 301 pool16 donorsFatty acids: gas chromatographyL-lactate in milk: enzymatic biosensor[52]N/AN/AN/AFreshNo63 C for 303 samples3 donorsTotal fat and fatty acids: gas chromatography, Infrared spectroscopy and NMR[53]N/ATransitionalN/AFreshNo62.5 C for 30; cooling in running water7 samples1 donorFatty acids: gas chromatography[54]N/AN/AElectric/manual pumpFreshN/A62.5 C for 30; cooling in stirred ice-cold water bath21 samples21 donorsFurosine: HPLC[55]PretermN/AElectric pumpFreshNoSterifeed: 62.5 C for 3010 samples10 donorsOligosaccharides: HPLC[56]PretermN/AElectric pumpFreshNoSterifeed: 62.5 C for 309 samples9 donorsGlycosaminoglycans: Evodiamine (Isoevodiamine) HPLC Carbohydrates: gas chromatography[57]N/AMatureN/AFreshRefrigeration62.5 C for 30 in stirred water bath1 pool8 donorsVolatile compounds: gas chromatographymass spectrometry[58]TermN/AElectric pumpFreshNo62.5 C for 3031 samples31 donorsMDA and GSH: HPLCGPx activity: Lawrence and Burk methodToAC: commercial kit[59]N/AMatureHandFrozen?80 C up to 2 weeks62.5 C for 3030 samples10 donorsTotal fat : creamatocritFatty acids and volatiles: gas chromatographyMDA: TBARSTocopherols and ascorbic acid: HPLCToAC: ORAC[60]N/AMatureHandFrozen?40 C in HMB; ?18.